Venerable Lama Lodu Rinpoche

The Venerable Lama Lodu Rinpoche will be visiting again October 8 - 14. See below for the teaching schedule.

Suggested donation is $20 per session

Lama Lodu Rinpoche will be available for personal interviews to discuss your practice and answer questions. Call Peter Schlee for an appointment at 520-603-0547 or Email

Lama Lodu Rinpoche was appointed resident lama of Kagyu Droden Kunchab in San Francisco by His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche in 1976, and since then has worked tirelessly to benefit sentient beings throughout the world. He has led multiple groups of Westerners on Three Year Retreats, erected marble stupas, and gives teachings at centers spanning the entire world, from Hanoi, Vietnam to St. Louis, Missouri. His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa once described Lama Lodu Rinpoche as “a lama who has highly developed his inner practice.” Rinpoche’s teachings are clear, unique, and profound, giving time for question and answers to clarify the student’s understanding and ensuring they have the full capability to engage with the practice and benefit not only themselves, but all sentient beings.

Ven. Lama Lodu Rinpoche will be available for personal interviews to answer questions about your practice and receive guidance on any subject you wish to talk about personally. Please call to arrange an appointment with either:

Peter Schlee, President 520-603-0547 or

Teri Bradley, Secretary 707-972-9123

If you would like to volunteer time or give financial assistance this is most welcome.

In the Dharma,

The Board of the Bodhisattva Institute